With the ability to connect almost every device to one another, the world suddenly seems like a more compact, streamlined place. Just suppose you are enjoying your latest boarding vid on your cell, but your bud would love to watch it too. Or maybe you’ve found you can stream your mom’s favorite movie but it’s not available on the standard TV service.

How great would it be to be able to show it on the larger screen of your TV? Super awesome!

Now, you can!

Connecting your cell phone to your TV is simple, makes a world of difference to whatever you’re watching, and it’s such a simple thing to do.

The easy solution

  1. You’ll need an HDMI cable that’s compatible with both your cell and your TV – you may need a converter for your cell phone
  2. On your TV remote, select source >> USB
  3. Wait for your phone home screen to show on your TV

Connect by casting

This is the same as using WiFi but offers more stability, and is specifically designed to cast from one device to another

  1. Download a casting app onto your phone – Chromecast, Allcast or Miracast are easy to use and solidly reliable
  2. Go into settings on your phone and enable wireless display
  3. Once it sees your TV you can cast to it

It’s honestly that simple to enjoy your cell phone media on your full size TV – go on, you know you want to!

Here are some more handy connection hacks: